Final Packing & Loading

July 18th: Well, it’s more like a series of weeks, but the final days where we need to load everything out of our house are actually here! Today we begin loading the POD, which will be picked up Friday morning. Reed also departs for Denver on Friday!!

Over the past couple weeks, we’ve been packing everything and then trying to hide it all so that the home can be available for showings. This involved a ton of cleaning and some repairs that required contractors. Reed’s mom Cyndi flew in from Dallas to be our real estate agent and to help us hold an open house over the weekend. Reed’s Dad, David also arrived in town on Wednesday and he and Reed loaded everything into the POD while my mom and I packed the last of the small items into boxes. We definitely couldn’t do it all without the help we received from our parents!

Can you tell that I did so much loading lol?? I did absolutely no heavy lifting it was all Reed and his Dad. I’m so thankful that David could come into town to help us!

Looking Back

July 19th: Reed sent me an email today that linked to a blog post that I’d written nearly 2 years ago. It was a brutally honest confession of how low we were while dealing with Reed’s job loss and our struggle as we realized that the unemployment checks would be ending soon. We were both at such a low point in our lives and just wanted stability and hope for a future with less financial struggle. We continued to pray and tried to be patient, but deep down we were drowning in stress and witnessing our dreams of a bright future slipping away.

It’s wild to see how much our lives have changed since 2016. Lately, I’ve been finding it hard to believe that this is my reality now and that I’m actually moving into a new chapter in my life. The things we are doing now are discussions Reed and I had years ago about our dreams for our future together. I now have job interviews at companies I fantasized about working for. It’s time for me to put my best foot forward in preparing for interviews and attempting to find us a comfortable home to rent in Colorado. Doing all of this is a lot of work, but it’s also very exciting and something we are grateful for!

Saying Goodbye to Our First Home

First Time Home Buyer

Back when we found out that we got the house!! We were thrilled to be moving into our first home together! I was so happy to have a backyard for Bear.

Reed and I loaded the very last of our belongings into the POD and our cars while a cleaning crew deep cleaned the house. It was approaching 100 degrees outside, but we managed to get everything out and loaded just in time for the home to be cleaned.

We took one final walk around the house, thinking of all the fun times we’ve had, mostly playing with our dog lol. We truly felt that although we were at times a little rough on the house (wrestling with Bear mostly), that we were able to leave it well-cared for and in better condition than when we arrived. Reed and I loved our first house so much, I really hope that another family will be just as excited to live there as we were when we found out that the house was ours!

We took one final kiss in the hallway before leaving for good. We’ll probably never see our first house or the neighborhood ever again. We learned a lot while living under that roof. It was sad to say goodbye, but I’m so thankful that we’re moving together as a family for a new wonderful opportunity.

Goodbye First House!

