The title is an excellent description of my life right now. I haven’t been posting nearly as often, even though I have so much to share. We received some very big news last week that’s made our lives hectic but in a good way. Let me start at the beginning…

My family and close friends know that for the past year, Reed has been traveling to Denver for a project he’s assigned to. Last July, I flew out to Denver to spend the weekend with him and we had a wonderful time with Reed showing me his office building and the restaurants he likes to frequent. I’ve hated the time he’s spent out of town, but I’ve been happy for him to have the opportunity to grow in his career. We both really like Denver, which is why Reed decided to leave his options open for job advancement in the Denver area.

Holiday Inn Denver

Sunrise view from our hotel when I visited Reed in Denver. We got up very early that day to hike Quandary Peak.

Last week Reed accepted a generous job offer as a Software Engineer and confirmed his start date… in Denver! We are excited for this new opportunity for him and Reed is especially excited about the role because he will be diving much deeper into software development than in his current position. I’m looking forward to bringing my years of procurement experience to a new company and am already applying to jobs. So far the interest in my resume has been positive! So in less than 3 weeks, we are moving from the Houston area to Denver.

Everything feels like it is happening so fast. Reed will be starting at his new job in only 20 days, so we have an entire home to clean, pack, and prepare to sell. We also have to find a rental that will allow our dog, Bear and one that’s available now! Reed and I will be clearing the furniture out of our home and selling all of our old pieces. Storage PODs have been reserved and everything will be out of our home by July 20th.

This is a huge life change for us, but the risks are ones that we’re willing to take. I really miss blogging and hope to back online soon with all types of new adventures to share (I haven’t even written about our weekend in Banff). My current feelings go between being excited to nervous and from focused to flustered. I am going to be documenting our whole moving process and all the obstacles that we encounter. There’s no turning back now, so Colorado here we come!

Bar NI Ranch Colorado

Throwback picture to Reed’s first visit to Colorado. This was back in 2012 and we were both 21 years old. This was Reed’s first time seeing mountains!




