5 Easy Ways to Reuse Wedding Props
Did you purchase decor and props to display at your wedding? Here are some simple ways you can incorporate those items into your home.
I bought many decorative items to display around the venue for my wedding. The props really gave the historic farmhouse venue a personal touch. While planning the wedding, I never thought about what I would do with all the stuff afterwards. It wasn’t until my husband and I purchased our first house that I found ways to give the decorative items a new purpose. Here are some easy ways you can reuse wedding props in your home.

1. Pet toy basket
This one is extremely simple. Did you use some type of basket to put wedding favors in? what about programs? All you have to do is put the basket on the floor and then put your pets toys in it. If you want, you can wire a little sign on it to display your pets name.
What’s crazy is that I recently found a pet toy basket on Bed Bath & Beyond for $50. I spent about $15 on mine from Hobby Lobby and it already had a little chalkboard attached.
Here’s the basket from Bed Bath and Beyond. It is cute.

2. Wreath
This is not as simple as the toy basket, but this is a nice way to add some curb appeal to your home. I had a wooden monogram that I displayed on the front door of the wedding venue. I heard that some consider it bad luck to display your new monogram before you are actually married, but hanging it 2 hours before the ceremony seemed fine to me. If you used any letter or monogram, you can add it to a wreath.
This is the only picture I have with the monogram in it. It wasn’t necessary that I have a picture of it, but I do regret not having a clearer photo of the front door on the big day.
I made this wreath with just a wreath backing, burlap netting, ribbon, wire, and pipe cleaners. This is one of the first wreaths I’ve ever made, and it was pretty simple.
A little wren decided to make my wreath home. My husband and I were always peeking into the nest while momma wren was away. A few of the eggs did not hatch, but majority did and we had 4 babies living in the wreath! Just look at their little beaks!

3. Chalkboards and Bulletin Boards
Someday people are going to laugh at the fact that chalkboards were so popular at weddings. I used a chalkboard as a welcome sign for my ceremony, and I absolutely love having it in my kitchen now. You can use chalkboard pens to draw cute seasonal displays, post upcoming events, or even just a nice quote. It’s such a simple item but adds so much character to a room.

Another Item I bought for the wedding was a large bulletin board with a pretty frame around it. I used at the reception to display table numbers and I now use it in my kitchen to display cards, photos, and invitations. The bulletin board is a great alternative to putting things on the side of the fridge with magnets. I no longer have to worry about bumping the fridge and knocking things off.
Here is another small chalkboard I used for wedding favors. We had custom sunglasses for all the guests and they were a huge hit! I’ve had people tell me that years later they are still wearing them.

4. Picture Frames and Signs
Perhaps the easiest of them all, you can use all the picture frames and signs that were setup at the venue. You may have received even more picture frames as wedding gifts. Switch some of your engagement pics out for family pictures from the wedding and you have a whole new set of home decor. I also put one of my wedding invitations in a frame (otherwise, I would have lost it). Now my husband can never forget our anniversary 😉
5. Lanterns and Candles
Did you buy a bunch of votive candles, lanterns, or some type of little decorative trinket? You probably do not want to display 80 of the same little votive candle holders around your home, but keeping a couple of them can add a sentimental touch to a space. Out of the 8 lanterns I used at the ceremony, I have 2 of them displayed around my fireplace. My mother and grandmother also wanted a lantern to decorate their home with.

I purchased all battery powered candles for the lanterns. Now whenever I’m gifted a new candle holder, I always have a candle for it. It doesn’t hurt to have extra candles hidden away. You can use them in the case of a power outage, just make sure you have extra batteries or a lighter hidden away with your candle stock.
Below you can see not only my wedding lanterns, but also the basket that I use for my puppy Bear’s toys. I’m very lucky that he doesn’t chew on the basket!

I felt the need to include a pic from our wedding day with my husband in it! I have this one framed in our dining room because I think it’s romantic.
I love getting to look at my home decor and remembering how it played a part in my wedding day. These items have sentimental value and are a great way to decorate on a budget. The best way to warm up a space is decorating with precious keepsakes.
Thank you for reading!